Teacher's World

Transferring pupil data to Teacher’s World

The school’s pupil data is managed in the Pupils section of the School view.

  • A new pupil can be added by clicking the Add pupil button. You can add several pupils one at a time by adding new rows with the “+ Add row” command.
    • You can add pupils to the pupils list with a CSV file. (“Send a CSV file from your computer”)
    • After adding the pupils, you will be able to print out the Key Codes for new pupils.
  • Adding a pupil to the school’s list of pupils will create a Key Code for the Pupil, which they can use to log in to Pupil’s World.
  • When you want to print out Key Codes for pupils, tick the boxes by the pupils’ names and then click “Print Key Codes”.
  • The teacher can add pupils to their own group in the Pupils section of the School page.  Open the Edit window on the list of pupils by the pupil’s name. You will then be able to add them to your group with the +Add to group command.