digital book

Infinite Mathematics

Goals, skills, great outcomes!

Infinite is a new mathematics series for lower secondary school. Infinite motivates pupils with detailed learning objectives and different learning paths: textbooks provide clear learning objectives for each lesson and pupils can choose a learning path that is suitable for them. Objectives and paths also help teachers to differentiate instruction. In addition, Infinite encourages pupils to reflect on their skills and learning as well as the way they work. The series provides teachers with up-to-date practical tools for instruction.

Teach in your own style!

  • Infinite is suited to a variety of different teaching styles from traditional teacher-centered approach to more student-centered approaches. With Infinite, pupils can also work fairly independently.
  • The textbooks are also available as digital and My book versions.
  • Infinite keeps learning objectives constantly at the forefront of learning and teaching – both for pupils and teachers.
  • The textbooks and extra material available in the digital teaching material make it easy to support the learners and differentiate their learning processes.

The advantages of using Infinite

  • Pupils have clear, explicit learning objectives for each lesson.
  • For each lesson, pupils can choose a path of exercises that is suitable for them, thus progressing at their own level and at their own pace.
  • Thanks to separate textbooks Infinite Percentages and Infinite Statistics and Probability, the textbooks can be taught flexibly in different orders.

Digital books

  • This is the digital version of the mathematics textbook Infinite 7.
  • The digital book contains the same texts, pictures, teaching videos and exercises as the printed version.

My book

  • Infinite 7 My Book contains the same theory pages and exercises for everyone that are in Infinite 7 textbook. Some of the other basic exercises and the Skill tests are also the same. Helpful tips have been added to theory and exercises.
  • Most of the exercises and homework are worked out directly on the book pages. The spaces for answers do not restrict pupils to a certain method of solving. The page numbering in My book follows the page numbering used in the book for mainstream education.
  • The corresponding exercises in Infinite 7 and Infinite 7 My book are marked in the digital materials. The digital materials contain the solutions to My book’s exercises.

Publishing dates

  • Infinite 7 available
  • Infinite Percentages available
  • Infinite 8  August 2025
  • Infinite Statistics and Probability January 2026
  • Infinite 9 June 2026