J’aime is a French series for lower secondary school and upper secondary school.
J’aime is a French series for lower secondary school and upper secondary school.
J’aime follows the new Finnish curriculum and focuses on functional activities in which pupils utilise various types of authentic texts. The teaching materials are based on teenagers’ interests and needs. Practical, everyday situations are used to teach grammar and vocabulary. This series is goal-oriented and focuses on the essentials, which motivates pupils to continue learning. The materials include plenty of listening and pronunciation practice. Special attention is paid to improving pronunciation. Francophone countries and French culture are presented in an engaging way for teenagers, including through authentic video clips. J’aime teaches pupils how to learn. It places great emphasis on improving study skills and utilising pupils’ existing knowledge of other languages and cultures.
The textbooks contain texts and exercises about situations and topics relevant to young people. The materials encourage oral communication – all students can communicate on their own level. Students learn about the Francophone world and meet an international group of friends. Emphasis is placed on students’ active learning and individual goals.
The series includes textbooks for 8 courses divided into 4 textbooks: J’aime 1, J’aime 2, J’aime 3 and J’aime 4.
The digital textbook contains all the materials from the print textbook as well as sound files and interactive exercises, which give students direct feedback on their skills. The digital textbook also includes videos from French-speaking countries around the world.
The digital teaching material includes instructions for using the materials, additional tasks (including differentiated tasks), answer keys to the exercises in the student’s book, a portfolio section, a special section on holidays, and the student’s digital textbook with sound files and video clips.
The test bank contains test files and audio files (MP3). The tests in Microsoft Word format can be edited. The questions can be inserted into different documents. The digital tests include plenty of questions about all content areas and videobased tasks.