
Awaited new series!

Kajo is an easy-to-use and comprehensive series for ethics in primary education. The printed textbook creates a framework for teaching and offers activities for every class. The Kajo skills booklets provide a visual aid for learning and compile the pupil’s work in one place.

Kajo is inclusive

  • Age-appropriate materials provide tools for thinking.
  • The exercises encourage discussion.
  • The skills booklet encourages pupils to deepen their understanding of the topics.
  • The printed textbook supports the development of literacy.
  • The glossary makes it easier to understand the book’s texts.

Kajo makes teaching easy

  • Clearly designed units reduce the time it takes to prepare lessons.
  • Instructions and examples make teaching easier.
  • The textbook contains tools for differentiation between skill levels.
  • The skills booklet activates pupils to work independently.
  • Comprehensive materials facilitate assessment.

Read more about the textbooks

The Kajo series includes a printed textbook for each year. The books include suitable reading material for all kinds of pupils. The simplified lead paragraph introduces the chapter’s topic, and the rest of the chapter’s texts deepen the pupil’s understanding.

The Kajo series introduces topics related to ethics in an age-appropriate and exciting way. Each chapter includes a wide range of exercises in which the pupils practise explaining their views and justifying them. The book allows everyone to participate in the discussion!

Read more about the skills booklet

The Kajo skills booklet guides pupils to practise skills related to ethics and to develop them step by step. The skills booklet contains a wide range of age-appropriate activities, including collaborative exercises and discussions. The fresh visual design and clear exercises also encourage pupils to complete exercises independently.

The skills booklet is a useful tool for continuous assessment, as it helps make learning and the development of skills visible.

Read about the digital materials

The Kajo series digital materials provide the teacher with tips, background information and support for varied assessment.

Publication dates

  • Kajo 3 available
  • Kajo 4 available
  • Kajo 5 November 2025
  • Kajo 6 November 2026

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