Vipu Physics

The Vipu series for upper secondary school physics has been carefully designed to follow the new curriculum.

The series inspires and motivates students to learn about physics. The focus is on the study and application of a range of physics-related phenomena. The series includes a wide range of digital materials to support the teacher’s work and provide variety to lessons.

Vipu motivates students to study physics

  • The Vipu series provides modern, fresh and inspiring learning material for the 2020s that takes into account the updated requirements of the matriculation examination.
  • Vipu is reliable: it presents information accurately and correctly and connects it to practical applications and everyday life.
  • The text is clear and understandable. The Vipu series makes use of the authors’ previous experience in preparing learning materials in plain language.

Focus on experimentation and demonstrations

  • The wide range of exercises makes it easy to differentiate between skill levels. The exercises make extensive use of experimentation and digital materials.
  • Experiments and demonstrations arouse the students’ interest in physics.
  • The student can select either a printed book or a digital book. Digital materials are also available to the users of printed books.

Student materials

In addition to texts, images and exercises, student materials include various digital materials, such as videos, GeoGebra applications, simulations, recordings, and measurement materials. The measurement materials are provided in several different file formats (cmbl, ggb, ods, tns, vcp).

The digital book has the same content as the printed book. The digital book contains all the necessary digital materials. Students using the digital book have the option of completing exercises using the same formula editor that is used in the electronic matriculation examination.

Students using the printed book can access digital materials using the Student’s world online service.

Teacher materials

The easy-to-use digital materials contain the student’s digital book, tips for the teacher, solutions for exercises (docx, pdf) and measurement materials in several different file formats. The teacher can easily project videos, applications, simulations, textbook images, and exercise solutions onto the whiteboard.

Analytics support the teacher in student assessment.